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Mt Sugarloaf

There is very little to say about this place because it is a little place.  Experienced hikers would probably be able to do all the trails here in 1 to 2 hours.  However, this is the only real mountain in Montgomery County, Maryland and a popular destination, so I thought I’d include it.  Please use the link in the sidebar to see route specifics provided by Hiking Upward.

Anytime I come here it’s with family or with a group.  For a group of people with mixed hiking experience, it is a fun afternoon.  Solo hikers will probably be disappointed because this lacks a lot of things solo hikers look for in hiking – a challenge, solitude, and varying geographical features.

The loop from the bottom is about 7 miles long.  I’ve run the trail in less than 2 hours.  One can also drive part of the way to the top and take a shorter route to the summit.  Of course, the summit here like in much of Appalachia is in the trees.  However, good views can be found.  Here are some pictures.